11.10 – 17.11.2013 :: Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe, Athens
Goethe-Institut Athen in collaboration with the Benaki Museum present the media art exhibition Home/s in the framework of the project ArtUP! Media art in Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. The exhibition aims to re-examine the notion of ‘home’ through 17 works of media art focusing on language, communities and public space as well as on networks, technology and algorithms and to stimulate a dialogue about the essential need of belonging in today’s networked era.
Participating artists: Firat Bingöl, Yoana Buzova, Ergin Çavuşoğlu, Makis Faros, Jenny Marketou in collaboration with Martha Giannakopoulou, Medea Electronique , Ali Miharbi, Vladimir Mitrev, NullPointerConstant, Arzu Ozkal & Claudia Costa Pederson, Personal Cinema, Erica Scourti, Raycho Stanev, Ozlem Sulak, Lina Theodorou, Hakan Topal, Borjana Ventzislavova
Curators: Daphne Dragona, Katerina Gkoutziouli
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