Image credit: K. Datsky

New Media Gallery, New Westminster BC :: June 9 – August 18 2024

PneumoMachinic is a sound-art exhibition which considers the influence and cultural impact of breath, from the earliest human speech, to installations evoking the ancient music of Peru and Spain. Three artists have created air-driven, sound installations through exceptional research and complex technologies. Their works explore, expand and compress breath; evoking, mechanizing and instrumentalizing it in meaningful flows, beats, currents and code.

I am participating with the installation Whispering I which utilizes compressed air flowing through 3D-printed acoustic resonators designed after the forms that human vocal tract takes during speech. The sounds that the viewer hears while walking around the space resemble human whispering, as well as breathing.

Participating artists: Cristhian Ávila Cipriani, Ali Miharbi, Xoán-Xil

Curated by Sarah Joyce and Gordon Duggan